Dr. Laurie E. Westphal, Private Tutor
Building student confidence and academic relationships for over 12 years and over 200 students (including siblings)!
Get consistent help from start to finish, rather than just in emergencies!
Specializing in Grades 3 - 12!
​Schedule a Tutoring Session today!
Send a Text: 281-610-0347
Test Prep
Your Custom-Made PSAT & SAT Test Preparation Program
I really enjoy working with students as they prepare for the college exams. Even the best students may need to prepare for these exams. I design my test preperation based on the previous test scores. PSAT scores are a great place to begin designing an SAT preparation program!
One-to-One Test Preparation Sessions
PSAT Preparation
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SAT Preparation
I got distracted and deleted this after I typed it. I will come back and retype it.

ACT Test Prep
I got distracted and deleted this after I typed it. I will come back and retype it.
STAAR Test Preparation
Whether your child is taking the STAAR test for the first time or preparing to retake it, I am happy to provide support. I customize the STAAR preparation based on the strengths and weaknesses shown on STAAR practice (or previous STAAR) tests. Although not guaranteed, I am happy to say that all students who have come to me to prepare for a STAAR retake passed their retake!

College Application Essay Assistance
(Sessions arranged on an hourly basis)
These are some of my favorite tutoring sessions. As juniors begin thinking about their college of choice and investigating the requirements for admittance, the dreaded essay topics always appear.
The writing of the essays is not always as daunting as the brainstorming process. I am always willing to help students brainstorm and then create outlines for different essays. I am happy to edit essays as well. It should be noted that I will not write essay for my students (no matter how much they beg!). This is just the first step in the writing expected over the next four (or more) years of college.